
  1. On Writing
  2. Styleguides and Component Libraries
  3. Thoughts on OKRs
  4. DAC
  5. Building for the Global South
  6. JS Typing Animation
  7. Milestones
  8. JavaScript Command-line Execution
  9. Templating with Jekyll
  10. Hello World


  1. The Manager's Path
  2. Accelerate
  3. Letting Go
  4. The World: A Brief Introduction
  5. Measure What Matters
  6. Start-up Nation
  7. Designing Data-Intensive Applications
  8. Software Architecture in Practice
  9. Fundamentals of Software Architecture
  10. A Philosophy of Software Design
  11. Thinking in Systems
  12. HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself
  13. Essentialism
  14. Domain-Driven Design
  15. Clean Architecture
  16. The Pragmatic Programmer
  17. The Alchemist


  1. Ethiopia
  2. Rwanda
  3. Zanzibar
  4. Ghana
  5. Senegal
  6. Tanzania
  7. Kenya
  8. Colombia
  9. U.S. Virgin Islands
  10. Taiwan
  11. Thailand
  12. Singapore
  13. Vietnam
  14. Mexico
  15. Barbados
  16. Canada
  17. Italy
  18. United Kingdom
  19. Puerto Rico
  20. Grenada
  21. United States
  22. Trinidad and Tobago